Sunday, May 24, 2009

Xander & Grandma Having A Good Time

Xander was having one heck of a good time with Grandma. He was laughing so hard I think he peed his pants (which is totally cool since he was wearing a diaper).

This was the first time his laugh came from down deep; he was having some good ol' fashioned belly laughs.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

His Happiness Is Infectious

You can't help but smile and laugh when you're around him...he's always happy.

And he's REALLY happy when he's able to pull his socks off and suck on his toe's.

Friday, May 1, 2009

He's Getting Big

Xander has learned how to pull himself up onto his knee's and his feet. In this picture he's only on his knee's, so imagine if he was on his feet; he'd be another 8 inches above the rail.

Needless to say, Dad had to lower his mattress to the lowest setting in the crib after we found him like this.

Future Fireman?????

The Fire Department got called to our neighbors house last night and Xander just loved the truck. All the flashing lights and sirens were way too much fun for him. Maybe we have a future Fireman on our hands.

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