Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Introducing Alaster Xaeden Penberthy...

...the latest addition to our family who is set to arrive on the scene October 18th, 2010. Not only will this be our second child, but our second son, and we're so excited that we can hardly wait.

His name has special meaning in a couple of different ways. Alaster is a Gaelic and Scottish name derived from Alexander which means "Defender of Men." Not only is this awesomely prophetic name, but it's the same meaning as Xander, our first son.

Xaeden is a combination of Xander Caeden, which are the first and middle name of our first son and it means "Sower of Seeds". This too can be viewed as prophetic.

Below is a video with the first glimpse of our baby boy. He could hardly keep still long enough to capture any of this, so we are certain he and big brother will have no trouble keeping Mom and Dad busy.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Xander's New Ride

Xander took advantage of the big Fourth of July sales and got himself a new ride over the weekend.

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