Friday, June 24, 2011

Alaster is Coming Along Great!

Alaster's Occupational Therapy is paying off in really big ways.  He's developing nicely in a number of area's and making some big improvements.  Here are a few pics of him from the last week.

Flying on the trapeze at occupational therapy.  He was able to hang there for 10 seconds all on his own which we were told was really good.  It shows that his upper body strength is increasing and developing well.
Doing good on the trapeze means that he will get better and better at crawling which he obviously loves to do as seen in the above picture.

Caught him trying to pull himself up to the sofa the other day.  He wasn't able to get all the way up, but even doing this is quite an achievement for him.  He'll do pretty much whatever he needs to do to get closer to Xander.
Monday we had an appointment with the Ear, Nose & Throat doctor.  He was all smiles until they had to put the long video camera up his nose to evaluate his trachea and larynx.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Recent Pic

The pics aren't the greatest quality as they are from our phones, but it's what we've got for now.

Alaster enjoying his first experience with grass

Saturday morning relax'n

Loves his toes in the cool grass

Bath time his favorite (of course so it eating, sleeping and pooping)

The two Homies hang'n out.

What's better than a picture of fun-time in the bath?
Two pictures of fun-time in the bath.
Believe it or not, this is a different picture from the first one,
but he loves striking a pose and won't move until we've finished
the set.

Having fun playing with his Mommy.

Learning to eat has been a blast…for all of us.

Yet again, the Two Amigo's having fun.

A little bit of bed-head now that he has some hair.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Great Vid's

My B-I-B-L-E, yes that's the book for me; I stand alone on the word of God, my B-I-B-L-E.

Alaster definitely loves playing with his big brother and Xander definitely loves playing with his little brother.  They have a ton of fun together.

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