Alaster Xaeden Penberthy
Born October 6th, 2010
6 lbs. 12 ozs.
20.5 inches long
He is quite a bit smaller than what the doctor has estimated he would be. We were expecting him to be not just as big as Xander, but actually bigger. To our surprise he is 1 lb. 6 oz. smaller and an inch shorter. He is so tiny compared to our first born, but just a beautiful.
Our Freshy is still wet behind the ears in this one; he's only moments from the womb. |
Another shot of him fresh from the womb. |
He is so much smaller than Xander was at birth…he's so tiny. |
Looking around and checking things out. |
Yea for Alaster! So beautiful! I love the picture of Lisa holding Alaster looking at the camera and I think the one of you holding Alaster looking down at him is precious. Congratulations Penberthy family!