Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Pre/Post-Christmas Pics

Here are some various pictures from Christmastime that didn't make their way into any of the other posts.  The most notable of which is the one of Alaster's first visit to Santa Claus.  It was Thanksgiving weekend and we made our way to Disneyland for the soul purpose of seeing Santa Claus.  Alaster slept through the entire event and Xander was very cautious of the big man in the red suit (which we thought might be the case).

We had talked up the whole experience during the entire drive to the park as well as the entire time we were in line.  He watched Santa Claus Is Coming To Town on my iPhone while were in line.  He was all set to meet Santa and tell him that he wanted a keyboard for Christmas.  Then, as you might expect, when it came time to go and meet him face to face he got a little freaked out.  We were thankful that he didn't throw some crazy fit as we saw many other children much older than he was do.  He did say hi to Santa and was able to shake his hand and tell him he wanted the keyboard, he just wouldn't sit on his lap which was perfectly fine with us; we got a great family pic nonetheless.

Alaster's first visit to Santa Claus and Xander's 3rd visit.  Being able to visit Santa Claus
at Disneyland is great because not only do we get to see Santa, but we get to meet his
wife, Mrs. Claus, along with his 8 reindeer; what a treat.
Taking Santa's sleigh out for a test flight.
This may have already been posted, but this was our official 2010 Christmas Picture.  The four
of us in front of the Disneyland Christmas Tree on Main Street.
Lisa snuggling with her precious baby boy.  Having a newborn around the house
at Christmastime is quite possibly the coolest thing ever.
We took a quick trip to the outdoor mall near our home called Victoria Gardens.
As you can see, Xander had a pretty tight grip on his Mommy's hair.
A quick snapshot of everyone scurrying across the street.  Grandma and Grandpa
were able to keep up so long as Xander was being carried by someone; otherwise
he would have left them in the dust.
One last picture of us in front of our 2010 Christmas Tree.  Lisa and Xander
did an excellent job of decorating; it was almost a shame to have to take it down.
I come from a long line of pyromaniac's and have quite a passion for fire and watching
things burn (that's Grandpa getting the fire started for us).  I had the great idea going
green this year and recycling our tree in the old fashioned way.  I figured it would be
much more beneficial to burn the tree down to a small pile of ash rather than fill an
entire garbage can with its branches. 

All I can say is that if you're a tree-hugger, you better be thankful I'm taking such an active role
in protecting our environment and preserving space in our land-fills.
I'm sure Xander will have no problem carrying on the family pyro legacy; he
enjoyed the flames and smoke just a much as my and his Grandpa.
Grandpa putting Alaster to sleep in Alaster's Great-Grandpa's favorite napping chair.
Great-Grandson's, Grandson and Son posing for a picture on Great-Grandpa's
favorite chair that sits proudly in the boys room.

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