Monday, September 6, 2010

Xander & Alaster's New Room

In preparation for Alaster's arrival, we spent a good chunk of our 3-day weekend getting geared-up.  Most of that was spent getting his room ready to go.  Xander and Alaster are going to share a room for now, so we needed to get the sleeping  arrangements taken care of.

Up until tonight, Xander has been sleeping is his toddler bed, which is nothing more than a crib with the front rail taken off.  We bought Xander a new twin bed and got it set up today; he is actually sound asleep in it at this very moment.  Needless to say he was pretty stoked to have his own "big-boy" bed and wanted to make sure we documented the moment with plenty of pictures.  Below are a few of the enjoyable evening we had hanging out in Xander and Alaster's room.


  1. Too cute! Xander is getting so big. I can't believe it. I love how in the 3rd picture down, I can see Lisa's little Alaster belly sitting in the chair!

  2. Yay for Xander! And it is very delightful to see Lisa glowing with baby Alaster still cooking away.... Love you guys :)


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